Jurnal Online INSTITUT BISNIS dan TEKNOLOGI INDONESIA adalah sistem penerbitan online berbasis Open Journal System yang diterbitkan oleh PRAHASTA Publisher.
- Portal Sistem Akreditasi Jurnal dikelola KEMDIKTI SAINTEK: ARJUNA (https://arjuna.kemdikbud.go.id/)
- Daftar jurnal terakreditasi KEMDIKTI SAINTEK : https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals
- Daftar Sitasi Teratas Jurnal di Indonesia versi Google Scholar : https://intip.in/indexgoogle
- Daftar Sitasi Jurnal di Indonesia versi Indonesian Science Index (Sinta) : https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals
- Daftar jurnal yang masuk blacklist tim PAK DIKTI : http://sdid.doovera.com/portal/?page_id=145
Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa
KARMA (Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa) Journal is a journal published by Prahasta Publisher managed by the Directorate for Research and Community Service (DRPM) Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia. KARMA Journal was first published in March 2025 and has a publishing period third in a year, namely in March, July, and November.
KARMA Journal serves as a multidisciplinary platform for disseminating student research, academic reviews, case studies, and scholarly discussions across various fields. The journal is committed to fostering academic excellence and providing an open-access forum for undergraduate and postgraduate students to publish their scientific contributions.
KARMA Journal covers a broad spectrum of disciplines under Applied Social and Management Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Natural Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Formal Sciences. The journal accepts submissions in Indonesian and English, ensuring accessibility to both national and international audiences.
As an open-access journal, KARMA provides unrestricted access to high-quality research, promoting knowledge-sharing and scholarly collaboration. The journal follows a double-blind peer-review process to maintain the quality and integrity of published works. -
Mengabdi Kepada Negeri
Jurnal MENARI (Mengabdi Kepada Negeri) adalah jurnal multidisiplin yang berfokus pada publikasi hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM). Jurnal ini bertujuan mendiseminasikan praktik-praktik terbaik, inovasi, dan pendekatan berbasis penelitian yang memberikan dampak nyata bagi masyarakat. Artikel yang diterbitkan di MENARI mencakup berbagai bidang ilmu, dengan pendekatan multidisiplin untuk menangani permasalahan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara berkelanjutan.
Jurnal ini mengutamakan artikel yang menerapkan berbagai metode PKM yang relevan, seperti Participatory Action Research (PAR), Community Development, Service Learning, Technology Transfer, Capacity Building, Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD), dan Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination. Pendekatan-pendekatan ini memastikan keterlibatan aktif masyarakat dalam proses identifikasi masalah, implementasi solusi, dan evaluasi dampaknya, sehingga hasil pengabdian dapat berkelanjutan dan berbasis kebutuhan lokal.
Jurnal MENARI menerima artikel yang tidak hanya mendokumentasikan hasil, tetapi juga menguraikan proses, tantangan, dan inovasi yang diimplementasikan dalam kegiatan PKM. Melalui platform ini, diharapkan tercipta sinergi antara dunia akademik dan masyarakat untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi pembangunan nasional. -
Journal of Culture and Heritage Digitalization
JERO (Journal of Culture and Heritage Digitalization) is a multidisciplinary journal of science and technology that examines issues related to cultural heritage conservation and awareness within a broad framework. The primary goal is to publish original papers containing previously unpublished data and to present innovative methods regarding all scientific aspects related to heritage studies. This journal provides a platform for scientists from various disciplines who share a common goal of developing and applying scientific methods to enhance research and knowledge about cultural heritage, particularly in the following areas: (a) Protection, conservation, and exploitation of cultural heritage, (b) Cultural heritage management and economic analysis, (c) Computer science in cultural heritage, (d) Creative industries in cultural heritage, (e) Sustainable development and cultural heritage, (f) The impact of climate change on cultural heritage and the management of its changes.
All articles in Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization will be processed by the editor through the Online Journal System (OJS), and the author can monitor the entire process in the member area. Articles published in Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization, both in hardcopy and soft copy, are available as open access licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) for educational, research and library purposes, and beyond that purpose, the Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization editorial board is not responsible for copyright infringement.
We invite you to collect articles / papers on Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization. The collection of articles in the Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization opens year-round and will be published third a year in April, August, and December. We do PEER REVIEW to maintain quality publications. -
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa
Bahasa Rupa Journal is a journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia, with e-ISSN: 2580-9997 and p-ISSN: 2581-0502. Bahasa Rupa Journal was first published in October 2017 and has a publishing period twice in a year, namely in April and October. Bahasa Rupa Journal has been indexed on : Google Scholar, One Search Indonesia, Portal Garuda, BASE, dan Neliti. The contents of Bahasa Rupa Journal include scientific ontology, epistemology and axiology of Visual Communication Design (DKV) and Multimedia, which includes:
(a) Visual semiotics; Iconography; Iconology, (b) Illustrations, (c) Typography, (d) Photography, (e) Advertising and Branding strategy, (f) Corporate Identity, (g) Packaging Design, (h) The latest applied technologies related to Visual Communication Design, (i) Educational methods in Visual Communication Design teaching, (j) The Science of Design in Visual Communication Design, (k) Cultural Issues Related to Visual Communication Design.
(a) User Interface & User Experience (UI/UX design), (b) Animation, (c) Cinematography and Videography, (d) Digital Game, (e) Interactive Multimedia, (f) The latest applied technologies related to Multimedia Design, (g) Educational methods in Multimedia Design teaching, (h) The Science of Design in Multimedia Design, (i) Cultural Issues Related to Multimedia Design.
All articles in Bahasa Rupa Journal will be processed by the editor through the Online Journal System (OJS), and the author can monitor the entire process in the members area. The articles published in the Bahasa Rupa Journal, both in hard and soft copy form, are available as open access for educational, research and library purposes, and beyond that purpose, the editorial board of the Bahasa Rupa Journal is not responsible for copyright infringement.
SINTECH (Science and Information Technology) Journal
SINTECH (Science and Information Technology) Journal is a journal published by Prahasta Publisher managed by the Directorate for Research and Community Service (DRPM) Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia. SINTECH Journal was first published in April 2018 and has a publishing period third in a year, namely in April, August, and Desember.
Focus and scope of SINTECH Journal includes: (a) Artificial Intelligence, (b) Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, (c) Data Mining, (d) Data Warehouse, (e) Big Data, (f) Data Analytics, (g) Data Science, (h) Natural language processing, (i) Software Engineering, (j) Information System, (k) Information Retrieval, (l) Mobile and Web Technology, (m) Geographical Information System, (n) Decission Support System, (o) Virtual Reality, (v) Augmented Reality, (q) IT Incubation, (r) IT Governance.
All articles in SINTECH Journal will be processed by the editor through the Online Journal System (OJS), and the author can monitor the entire process in the member area. Articles published in SINTECH Journal, both in hardcopy and soft copy, are available as open access licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) for educational, research and library purposes, and beyond that purpose, the SINTECH Journal editorial board is not responsible for copyright infringement.
We invite you to collect articles / papers on SINTECH Journal. The collection of articles in the SINTECH Journal opens year-round and will be published twice a year in April and October. We do PEER REVIEW to maintain quality publications. -
Jurnal RESISTOR (Rekayasa Sistem Komputer)
RESISTOR (Rekayasa Sistem Komputer) Journal is a journal published by Prahasta Publisher managed by the Directorate for Research and Community Service (DRPM) Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia, with e-ISSN 2598-9650 and p-ISSN: 2598-7542. RESISTOR Journal was first published in April 2018 and has a publishing period third in a year, namely in April, August, and October. RESISTOR Journal has been indexed on : Google Scholar, One Search Indonesia, BASE, dan Neliti. Focus and scope of RESISTOR Journal includes: (a)Biomedical Engineering, (b)Cloud Infrastructure, (c)Computer Network and Architecture, (d)Computer Security, (e)Computer Vision, (f)Cultural Tourism Application, (g)Digital Forensics, E(h)mbedded System, (i)Internet of Things, (j)Machine Learning, (k)Power, Energy, and Industry Applications, (l)Remote Sensing, (m)Robotics and Automation, (n)Signal Processing and Analysis, (o)Soft Computing, and (p)Wireless Sensor Network. All articles in RESISTOR Journal will be processed by the editor through the Online Journal System (OJS), and the author can monitor the entire process in the member area. The articles published in RESISTOR Journal, both in hard and soft copy form, are available as open access for educational, research and library purposes, and beyond that purpose, the editorial board of the RESISTOR Journal is not responsible for copyright infringement.
S@CIES adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat STMIK STIKOM Indonesia yang memuat tentang hasil riset dibidang informatika dan teknologi informasi. Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk memublikasikan dan menyebarluaskan tulisan-tulisan dalam bidang informatika dan teknologi informasi yang dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. SACIES menerima tulisan berbentuk riset kuantitatif maupun kualitatif dari akademisi, praktisi, peneliti, dan mahasiswa yang relevan dengan topik.