Analisis Pengaruh Parameter Fisik Terhadap Jarak Jangkauan dan Keandalan Data LoRa SX1276
Long Range (LoRa), physical parameters, range, data reliabilityAbstract
In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), Long Range (LoRa) wireless communication technology has become a popular choice for applications that require wide coverage and low power consumption. This study aims to analyze the impact of various physical parameters on the range and data reliability of the LoRa SX1276 module. The physical parameters evaluated include Tx Power, bandwidth, code rate, and spreading factor. The purpose of this research is to understand the effect of each physical parameter of the LoRa SX1276 on range and data reliability. The research uses the R&D (research and development) method with the ADDIE development model. It involves experiments with parameter variations and statistical analysis to determine their relationships and effects. The results show that physical parameters influence the range and data reliability of the LoRa SX1276. Increasing values of Tx Power, code rate, and spreading factor lead to greater range, while increasing bandwidth reduces the range. This analysis is expected to provide practical guidance for optimizing LoRa SX1276 configurations in IoT implementations, contributing significantly to enhancing the reliability and efficiency of wireless communication networks.
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