Implementasi Keamanan Rumah Pintar Berbasis Android Dengan Teknologi IoT Dan NodeMCU ESP8266
Internet Of Things(IoT), NodeMCU ESP8266, Security System, Smart HomeAbstract
The rise of theft that harms homeowners is often caused by a lack of supervision and the high cost of security, so many homeowners do not prioritize the security of their homes. This research aims to develop an Android-based smart home security system that utilizes Internet of Things (IoT) technology as an effective and affordable solution to improve home security. The research method used is a qualitative method, with an observation approach and literature study to obtain information related to the implementation of IoT in home security systems. The system was designed using the NodeMCU ESP8266 and the xtreme programming (XP) system development method, which allows for rapid iteration and continuous development. The resulting system offers various security features, including door, kitchen, room, CCTV, and Auto Transfer Switch (ATS) Power security. The results show that the system has an accuracy of 95% in detecting security intrusions, with an average response time delay of 2 seconds. Thus, this security system is expected to be an effective and affordable solution to improve home security.
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