Generator Load Optimization Management on Tourist Ships in Labuan Bajo
Energy efficiency, energy management, fuel reduction, sustainable tourism, tourist shipsAbstract
Labuan Bajo is a premier tourist destination in Indonesia, experiencing a significant increase in visitors. The intensive use of tourist ships leads to high energy consumption, increased carbon emissions, and rising operational costs. Therefore, an efficient energy management strategy is essential to support sustainable tourism. This study aims to develop a model and simulation for optimizing generator load on tourist ships to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The research methodology includes modeling the ship's electrical system, simulating generator loading, and analyzing the implementation of energy-saving technologies, such as replacing conventional lights with LED lighting. The simulation results indicate a significant improvement in generator load efficiency, with the average load decreasing from 90.95% to 83.38%. Daily energy consumption was reduced from 78 kWh to 72.7 kWh, while the implementation of LED lighting lowered electricity consumption by 61.63%. Additionally, optimizing generator loads resulted in a 20-30% reduction in fuel consumption, directly lowering carbon emissions and operational expenses. Compared to previous studies, this research provides a more comprehensive analysis by integrating load optimization with energy-saving technologies. These findings highlight the importance of implementing an effective energy management system for tourist ships, offering a reference for operators to enhance sustainability in Labuan Bajo's tourism industry.
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