RESISTOR Journal is a journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) STMIK STIKOM Indonesia, with e-ISSN 2598-9650 and p-ISSN: 2598-7542. The diversity of branches of science in computer technology certainly requires a forum to accommodate studies and research that emerge from these disciplines. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia currently has a Computer Systems or Computer Systems Engineering department in English called Computer System Engineering. This discipline is of course related to the process called engineering. Engineering is the application of science and technology to solve human problems. In this case computer system engineering, involves hardware and software to solve problems faced around. Surely, by focusing on specific scope, making the quality of research better and directed.
We invite you to submit and collect articles / papers on RESISTOR Journal. The collection of articles in the RESISTOR Journal opens year-round and will be published twice a year in April and October.
Focus and scope of RESISTOR Journal includes: (a) Biomedical Engineering, (b) Cloud Infrastructure, (c) Computer Network and Architecture, (d) Computer Security, (e) Computer Vision, (f) Cultural Tourism Application, (g) Digital Forensics, (h) Embedded System, (i) Internet of Things, (j) Machine Learning, (k) Power, Energy, and Industry Applications, (l) Remote Sensing, (m) Robotics and Automation, (n) Signal Processing and Analysis, (o) Soft Computing, (p) Wireless Sensor Network.
Managing Director
Anak Agung Gede Bagus Ariana, S.T., M.T. (081238505758)