Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Transliterasi Aksara Bali Menjadi Huruf Latin Menggunakan Metode Rule Based Pada UTF-16 Berbasis Android


  • Arik Aranta Universitas Mataram
  • I Gede Andika Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia




Balinese script, transliteration, rule based, Android


Balinese script is a script that has been used by Balinese tribes since ancient times, as evidenced by the
discovery of 2,103 ancient lontars using Balinese script in Klungkung, Bali. Currently, Google already
has a virtual keyboard that can be downloaded to a smartphone. This Google keyboard already has
Balinese script mode that the letters was based on Unicode, but it still doesn't have a feature that can
read Balinese script into Latin letters. By combining these two problems, a study was designed about
making applications that can preserve Balinese script by utilizing the Balinese script keyboard feature
provided by Google to be transliterated into Latin letters. In this study, a rule based method is used to
perform transliteration in order to be able to adjust to the rules of reading Balinese script correctly. It is
also used to provide ID for each Balinese character using hexadecimal based on the Unicode
Transformation Format-16 code for each character. The application was built by implementing of total
940 rules and 33.253 words, after testing the application the result obtained from the transliterasion
reach 99.4% of succeed from 1104 Balinese script words.


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