Door security, Arduino Mega2560, E-KTP, RFIDAbstract
In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 today, many technologies are used by humans to help their daily activities, one of which is in the field of home door security. To improve the security of home doors, we can use the Arduino Mega2560 as a control center, we can design a prototype for a door security system using E-KTP which is equipped with several sensors to improve the security of the door that is used as access for entry and exit. E-KTP is a card that is used as a person's identification and can also be used as a tool to open the door in the design of this tool, because in it there is a chip that can be read using electromagnetic waves. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a sensor that can be used to read E-KTP, and to control it remotely, we can use the SMS (Short Message Service) service that is on every Cellphone / Smartphone so that the security of the house door is better because it is also equipped with Magnetic sensors and Buzzer as security if the door is forced to open by an irresponsible person.
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