Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Ekspositori Dan Software Auto Synchronize (PluralEyes) Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Dalam Video Editing Pada Siswa Kelas XI MM
learning achievement, expository model, demoAbstract
This research was done in SMK PGRI 4 DENPASAR with the subject of the XI MM2 grade students during the odd semester of the academic year 2014/2015. The aim of this reseach was to improve the students achievement through the implementation expository model and PluralEyes in the teaching and learning process of video editing. The quantitative data was gathered by using test which then analyzed descriptively. From the result of analysis it was found out that there was an improvement in the students learning achievement. It can be seen from the increasing mean score from 65,63 in the beginning to 68,85 in the first cycle and 72,75 in the second cycle. The conclusion is that the expository learning model can improve students of video editing.