Pengembangan Sistem Business Intelligence Dalam Monitoring Performa Perusahaan Multi Company
Information, Business Intelligence, ETL Process, Data Warehouse, Power BIAbstract
Multi-company companies have challenges in managing subsidiary data into performance information of all subsidiaries in one window. This is due to the variation of data dimensions according to the business processes of each subsidiary. CV. XYZ is a holding company engaged in the food & beverage business. CV. XYZ currently manages three companies consisting of restaurants, catering, and tent and decoration rental. The problem faced by the company owner is the limited access to company performance in one information window. Each company has working papers in Excel format to record expenditure and income transactions. This article proposes the development of a website-based business intelligence system to overcome the problems of CV. XYZ. The purpose of developing a business intelligence system in this article is to provide access to the performance of each subsidiary in one website media. The business intelligence system is developed through the stages of data collection and analysis, data warehouse design, ETL process, and data visualization with Microsoft Power BI. The data warehouse design uses Kimball's nine-step method which produces a data warehouse with a star scheme. The developed Business Intelligence system was tested using the UAT method. The UAT test results show that the system development is following the company's needs as indicated by the UAT score of 92%
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