Fast Track Review
“Fast Track for Faster Review” is the special service for the article to get faster response in pre-review stage from managing director as well as review from reviewer. Writer can get faster response of pre-review maximum in 3 days since submission, and review process by the reviewer maximum in 7 days. With “Fast Track for Faster Review” scheme will help the writer in finishing the article to be published faster in Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization.
Note: (1) Fast Track for Faster Review scheme DOES NOT QUARANTEE THE ARTICLE IS ACCEPTED to be published, this scheme only makes the article editorial process become faster where the article will get priority to be reviewed first and faster so that it can get faster decision, (2) time duration in editorial process depends on the writer speed in revising the article in pre-review stage as well as review stage.
Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization provides fast Track for Faster Review service which is optional to help the writer who urgently need for publishing article faster but do not set aside the quality of the article.
To obtain the Fast Track for Faster Review service, writer is charged about Rp. 1.000.000,00 (One Million Rupiah). The payment can be sent into the account of Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization’s administrator:
p.p. Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia
Bank BNI,
Account no: 1428124774
The scheme of Fast Track for Faster Review service such as:
- Writer submits the article into Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization.
- Confirm through add discussion in Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization’s OJS that will follow the Fast Track for Faster Review service (confirmation is also suggested through WhatsApp Messenger contact to get faster response).
- Managing director will confirm whether the article is feasible to get Fast Track for Faster Review or not.
- If the article fulfills the requirements to follow the scheme of Fast Track for Faster Review, then the writer does the payment and send the proof of payment into add discussion in Journal Culture and Heritage Digitalization OJS
- The process of Fast Track for Faster Review will be done right after the proof of payment is sent.