Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation and Submission
Before submitting a manuscript, authors must carefully review the Author Guidelines and prepare their manuscript using the provided template. This ensures compliance with formatting and structural requirements.
Once a manuscript has entered the publication process (including peer review, editing, and layout stages), authors are strongly discouraged from withdrawing it. The editorial team dedicates valuable time and resources to reviewing and processing submissions.
All submitted manuscripts will undergo plagiarism screening. Manuscripts with a similarity score exceeding 25% will be returned to authors for revision before further consideration.

Manuscript Categories
Authors must categorize their manuscripts appropriately during submission. Select the most suitable category from the following:
1. Research Articles
• Present original research that involves the development or testing of models or frameworks, action research, data analysis, market research, empirical studies, or laboratory research.
2. Review Papers
• Provide a comprehensive summary of existing research on a specific topic, offering insights into current trends and future directions.
• These articles are widely read (e.g., by researchers seeking an in-depth introduction to a field) and are typically highly cited, referencing around 100 key sources.
3. Technical Papers
• Describe and critically evaluate a technical product, process, or service, assessing its effectiveness and potential applications.
4. Conceptual Papers
• Develop theoretical frameworks or hypotheses without being based on direct empirical research.
• These papers are often discursive, incorporating philosophical discussions and comparative studies on existing theories and scholarly works.
5. Case Studies
• Present real-world case studies or practical interventions within organizations.
• These may include subjective analyses and are not necessarily based on research methodologies.
• Legal case studies or hypothetical case analyses used as educational tools also fall under this category.

Language Requirements
• Manuscripts must be written in English or Indonesian.
• Authors should carefully proofread their submissions before submission to ensure linguistic clarity and coherence.
• While Indonesian manuscripts are accepted, the use of English is strongly recommended to prevent delays in the evaluation process.
• If a manuscript is written in Indonesian, it must be translated into English before final publication to maintain international readability.
• Writing should be structured, comprehensive, cohesive, and fluid, ensuring smooth transitions between ideas.

Authorship and Contributor Roles
As part of our mission to foster collaborative academic networks and support interdisciplinary knowledge exchange, authorship diversity is encouraged.
To promote international collaboration, at least one author must be affiliated with an institution outside Indonesia.
Authorship Requirements:
• All contributing authors must be listed in the correct order at the time of submission.
• The corresponding author is responsible for providing a valid email address and ensuring that all listed authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript.
• Each author's full name should be written as it should appear in the publication, including (or omitting) middle names or initials as necessary.
• Institutional affiliations must be correctly stated for each contributing author.
Criteria for Authorship:
To qualify as an author, contributors must meet all of the following criteria:
1. Significant contributions to the conception, design, data acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the work.
2. Drafting or critically revising the manuscript for intellectual content.
3. Final approval of the manuscript version to be published.
4. Accountability for the integrity and accuracy of all aspects of the work, ensuring that concerns related to its validity are properly investigated and resolved.