Open Access Policy

KARMA (Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa) Journal applies an open-access policy, ensuring that all published articles are freely available to the public without any subscription or payment barriers.
The copyright of published articles remains with the author, while the KARMA Journal editorial board holds the right to publish and distribute the content with the author’s consent. The legal framework for accessing digital articles follows the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License. Under this license, KARMA Journal has the right to store, modify, manage databases, maintain, and publish articles without requiring additional permission from the author. The author retains full copyright ownership, and proper attribution will always be provided. Articles may be shared, adapted, and distributed for educational, research, and library purposes, provided that proper credit is given, modifications are shared under the same license, and the work is not used for commercial purposes.
All published articles are available in both print (hard copy) and digital (soft copy) formats as part of the open-access model. Beyond the specified purposes, the editorial board is not responsible for any unauthorized use or copyright infringement by third parties.
To ensure long-term digital preservation and accessibility, KARMA Journal utilizes LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archiving systems.