Pengembangan Sistem Prediksi Bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Berbasis Machine Learning
Family Hope Program, Social Assistance, Poverty, Artificial Neural Network, ConstraintsAbstract
The Family Hope Program (PKH) is a poverty alleviation program which is one of the government's strategies in reducing the poverty line. This program provides cash social assistance to poor families who are included in the list of beneficiary families with a focus on education and health. The purpose of implementing the PKH program is not only to reduce poverty and increase human resources but to break the poverty chain. The implementation of PKH in its realization experienced many obstacles that caused the program not to be on target, this was because the data verification process was not yet effective and was still carried out manually. A process is needed to digitize the distribution and realization of the family of hope program. Through this research, a system was developed that can predict the value of PKH beneficiary assistance. The system developed is based on machine learning with a prediction model using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Backpropagation learning algorithm. Parameters in the learning system using PKH assessment as many as 8 indicators from the data of PKH beneficiaries in Tabanan Regency. Based on the prediction model testing using two data treatments, namely with and without preprocessing data. Parameters treated with data on numeric attributes and categories provide optimal values with an R2 Score of 0.695824 with a number of hidden layers of 500 and a max epoch of 375
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