Densely Connected dan Residual Convolutional Neural Network Untuk Estimasi Jumlah Keluarga Tingkat Desa Dengan Citra Satelit


  • Jodi jhouranda Siregar Ipb university
  • Anang Kurnia IPB University
  • Kusman Sadik IPB University



deep learning, remote sensing, xgboost, family count


Indonesia conducts a population census every ten years to collect population data. Variables such as family count are collected to provide general population information for policy making and sampling frames. Indonesia as an archipelagic country with an area of 8.3 million km2 will require a lot of resources to collect such data. In the age of big data, satellite imagery has become more available and inexpensive. In this study, we used West Java as a case study for applying deep learning to estimate family counts at the village level. Sentinel-2 and SPOT-67 data are used to model family counts. Using xgboost, we regress the family count with the softmax probability, resulting from family density classification using deep learning (densenet121 and resnet50 ) as the input. With an R2 of 0.93 and a MAPE of 19%, the regression model provides a good prediction of the number of families in the census. Regarding the input data, Sentinel-2 is sufficient to accomplish this task as there is no significant difference from the modeling results with higher resolution images (SPOT 6-7). The input level in the form of a segment of the estimation area and using structured auxiliary variables also deliver better predictions


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How to Cite

J. jhouranda Siregar, A. Kurnia, and K. Sadik, “Densely Connected dan Residual Convolutional Neural Network Untuk Estimasi Jumlah Keluarga Tingkat Desa Dengan Citra Satelit”, SINTECH Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 114–123, Oct. 2022.