Pengembangan Digital Story Book “Satua Bali†Berbasis Mobile
Satua Bali, Digital Story, AndroidAbstract
This research aimed to produce a media in the form of Digital Story Book "Satua Bali" Based Mobile that could be a container to provide a collection of Satua Bali, so it could be utilized to help maintaining the existence of Satua Bali among the community, especially children. Digital Story Book "Satua Bali" Based Mobile has some additional features, such as user can add new satua, share to the social medias, give comment, like, add as favorite, etc. This research was a type of research and development with research model of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The testing process was conducted in six stages, namely test: whitebox and blackbox which obtain good result, content expert which obtains result of 96,2% (very appropriate), media expert that obtains result of 92,5% (very appropriate), users responses with UEQ method obtain good result, and compatibility is successfully implemented to 10 different devices. The final result of this research is the application of Digital Story Book "Satua Bali" which can be run on smartphone with android operating system.
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