Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): SINTECH Journal Edition October 2019

SINTECH (Science and Information Technology) Journal is a journal managed and published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) STMIK STIKOM Indonesia, with e-ISSN 2598-9642 and p-ISSN: 2598-7305. SINTECH Journal was first published in April 2018 and has a publishing period twice in a year, namely in April and October.
Focus and scope of SINTECH Journal includes: Data analysis, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Bioinformatics/Biomedical Applications, Biometrical Application, Content-Based Multimedia Retrievals, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Information System, Game Mobile, dan IT Bussiness Incubation.
All articles in SINTECH Journal will be processed by the editor through the Online Journal System (OJS), and the author can monitor the entire process in the member area. Articles published in SINTECH Journal, both in hardcopy and soft copy, are available as open access for educational, research and library purposes, and beyond that purpose, the SINTECH Journal editorial board is not responsible for copyright infringement.
Cover, Acknowledgement and Table of Content can be downloaded here.