gray-level co-occurrence matrix, mammogram, radial basis function neural network, region of interest, support vector machineAbstract
In this era to recognize breast tumors can be based on mammogram images. This method will expedite the process of recognition and classification of breast cancer. This research was conducted classification techniques of breast cancer using mammogram images. The proposed model targets classification studies for cases of malignant, and benign cancer. The research consisted of five main stages, preprocessing, histogram equalization, convolution, feature extraction, and classification. For preprocessing cropping the image using region of interest (ROI), for convolution, median filter and histogram equalization are used to improve image quality. Feature extraction using Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) with 5 features, entropy, correlation, contrast, homogeneity, and variance. The final step is the classification using Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Based on the hypotheses that have been tested and discussed, the accuracy for RBFNN is 86.27%, while the accuracy for SVM is 84.31%. This shows that the RBFNN method is better than SVM in distinguishing types of breast cancer. These results prove the process of improving image construction using histogram equalization and the median filter is useful in the classification process.
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